Dear, Uterus...........
Make up your ever loving mind........
Are we gonna close the menopause deal, making you obsolete???
You've been with the company for 44 years now, and put in 32 years of dedicated service....
My babies were certainly the worst tenants in the history of the world......
You weren't initiated on soft butterfly flutters..........
There were no gentle nudges for you......
The babies made by Janine...
( Yes, ALONE.......... Mary really started something with that immaculate conception business.... I'm surprised it never caught on more, really.....)
The babies made by Janine... ( okay, and what's his face, too)
They never kicked......
They jumped.........
They stomped..........
They gyrated.........
Simple kicking was beneath them..........
My children were gifted, right from the womb........
this may have resulted in your every available surface looking like Swiss cheese......
one kind doctor described you as "Tired" and "Needing A rest".......
Meanwhile, I was the one walking the floor with an 8 day old baby with colic.....
while my 4 year old, and 2 year old were trying to out scream each other underneath my feet.....
I didn't own a pair of sweats that wasn't covered in some sort of child body fluid.....
I still looked 6 months pregnant........
I got the hemorrhoids, stretch marks, and labor pains.......
Here's a news flash for you.........
"Tired" goes away........
Hemorrhoids are for forever........
What was I to do???
Send you to Hawaii????
Not alone, buddy.......
And I had the aforementioned 8 day old, who was only happy when he was using me as a giant spit up cloth.......
The 2 year old who was only happy when she was wrapped around my knee, or on my one free hip.....
When asked what she thought of her baby brother, she'd reply......
"No like"..........
Obviously, I never consulted her again.......
The 4 year old was amusing himself........
looking through the personals for an adoptive family.......
Have I mentioned the roughly 723 stitches in the area south of the belly button???
The place where people SIT????
Try sitting down on Styrofoam for two weeks........
What's that????
So, Why do it????
For the stomps......
The stomps that told me all was right......
The stomps that woke me in the middle of the night.....
or caught me , unaware, in the middle of a bad day......
The stomps that reminded me that it was no longer all about me.......
For the bittersweet, and very physical, primal, feeling of my child leaving my body.......
of watching as they began the act of living on their own...........
For those moments at 3 Am, when the rest of the world was sleeping, and it was just me, a chair, and 8 plus pounds of baby.........
for the feeling of running my finger across a petal smooth cheek......
As I gently sang "Puff The Magic Dragon"....... ( off key, all the way...)
As my new baby gazed at me with a face that might have been colic......
but was more likely the singing......
you don't need a translator for: "Uh.... Mom???? has anyone ever mentioned the fact that you can't sing"?????
The feeling of an impossibly tiny hand grasping my finger with the grip of a wrestler........
the vibration through my fingers laid on a tiny back, of a newborns steady breath......
The new smell at the back of a baby's neck......
The feel of a baby's fingers across my mouth, in the first successful reach for a human face......
The sound of a first belly laugh............
The music of a first: "Ma, Ma, Ma".......
The look in a six year old eyes, as he gazes into my face waiting for the answer to:
"Mama..... How do the clouds stay in the sky"??
Dear, Uterus.........
I don't think it's politically correct to say that my children fulfilled me as a woman............
I do think it's fair to say that they fulfilled parts of me........
Some of my favorite parts have been colored in with sticky little hands......
The work that you and I ( and, oh yeah..... what's his face) did together made my children possible.........
Dear, Uterus.....
I'm going to miss you.......
I just found you because you found me first. I became a follower on just your blog name alone. :)
This post however, is something else. It's beautiful. I can feel the love in each reference to a "sticky little hand".
I'm not a mom yet, at the rate I'm going - I'm not sure that I will get to be one. To top it all off, I just recently discovered that I would really like to be a mom someday.
Thanks for sharing.
Doing daycare will cure this.
Amazing post. You captured the true essence of what it means to be a mom. (And all the other stuff they don't warn us about).
Stopping by from SITS.
That was touching, nostalgic and beautiful!
I am giving an American Idol Style Performance of "That's what friends are for" thanks to your blog. My 18 month old is looking at me with that "Colic/mom can't sing" look whilst eating my phone. Another great blog. Give your uterus my best regards. I wish it the best in all of it's future endeavors.
Great Blog! From one Neurotic Blogger to another :-)
Steph (via SITS)
Have a great day
Your uterus and my placentas could hang out. That just sounds wrong, huh?? My doc told me they looked freakin' weird. "Really weird looking," were the exact words.
Anyway, that primal feeling of the babies leaving my body? Didn't like it so much. This sounds weird but as soon as they were gone, I was sad. Felt kinda empty. :(
I love this post. Yes, motherhood sure has it's highs and lows. Our bodies will never be the same but neither will our hearts.
I came over from SITS and I'm sure glad I did. Happy Friday!
This is my fave post to date!!
Sounds like the beginning of a wedding toast huh?
Love love it:)
(pedal soft cheek...sigh)
What a great post! I am at the right age to relate.
Dropped by from SITS to say hi.
This is absolutely beautiful.
My fav type of post- you made me laugh and cry in the same post. :)
Thanks for linking up!
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